Let’s consciously co-create with this planet to build and experience New Earth together.

gaia's gateway, grid work, leylines, soul alignment, co-creation

Gaia’s Gateway is for soulful lightworkers to explore their grid working on a more conscious level. This begins with bridging your heart back to the heart of this planet, your chosen Home, and connecting with yourself as nature; then extends out to your multidimensionality becoming more embodied in co-creation with this planet.

Whether you've been a nature lover your whole life and connecting with the Earth has felt natural (you've been unconsciously connecting with Gaia's grids all along), or if you are already consciously grid working -- this is a container that can support you wherever you're at on your journey.

My intention with Gaia’s Gateway is to support your expanded awareness and insight into your divine impact on this planet with your unique codex and frequency, while assisting in Gaia’s ascension into New Earth.

I'd love for you to be a part of leading, opening, and building Gaia's New Earth gateway.

$88 per month, minimum 3 month commitment

~ Scroll down to discover what’s included! ~

Holding a container like this is incredibly important to me and is something I wish existed as I was gaining deeper awareness and insight into this aspect of my soul-led journey. If this resonates, it’s for a reason.

divine gaia codes, lightworkers, grid work, divine frequency

Upcoming Included Calls:

Gaia’s Gateway Q&A call ~ Sunday, June 2 at 4:00pm EST

Included Into Your Heart Activation Event ~ Sunday, May 19 at 4:00pm EST

sign me up

“Kerry is absolutely a leader when it comes to grid working and working with Gaia in general. Everyone can benefit from developing a deeper connection to the planet we call home! There is so much potential in that sacred connection. Kerry guides you right into the heart of this potential in a fun, relatable, and energetic way. I love Kerry! Highly recommend working with her in this way. Her connection with the grids is profound.”

What’s Included:

  • 2 group calls in Zoomland:

    • Monthly 90 minute Gaia Q&A call to provide:

      • Insight on current grid priories and Gaia energetics

      • Personal “hot seat” intuitive coaching for your unique grid working mission (grid working guidance and instruction as a Q&A format)

      • I’ll share any relevant personal grid working stories

      “The heart connection piece was huge! I feel a lot more confident - even around the knowing that I don’t have to really understand what I’m doing. Your stories were just so amazing at connecting the dots for me as well and just learning so much intricacy.”

    • Access to monthly virtual Into Your Heart activation live event with a new heart consciousness theme each month ($44 if purchased outside of this container)

      “Realizing I was getting a monthly up-level was awesome.”

  • Community connection with like-hearted souls in a private forum to deepen your connection with each other and this divine planet. This will be a community connection point, it will not involve 1:1 guidance or coaching.

  • Short and potent monthly videos sent on the first of the month with channeled tips and guidance on how best to co-create with this planet during the month ahead

  • 15% off private 1:1 sessions with me and any digital courses while in this Gaia’s Gateway container

While I encourage you to attend both group calls live, as this is where the most potent transformation and connection occurs, yet the recordings are always made available afterwards in case for any reason you aren’t able to make it live.

This group consists of heart-centered grid workers who are open and excited to explore New Earth, along with their unique codex and grid working missions on this planet.

Kind Words from Gaia’s Gateway Souls

Kerry is an incredible guide and good steward of this planet. She's an Earth Oracle who is offering both her own wisdom and that of the Earth directly to you in this container. The investment is well worth it to have access to Kerry's energy on a bi-monthly basis.

On our first call, Kerry described how she views the Earth Grids - land, water, and air and how she tunes into each. When answering questions, she also offered suggestions for other ways to work with the grids with intention - loved this, was exactly what I was looking for. I feel like my connection with Gaia has been elevated to a new level of reverence, love, understanding, and co-creation.

I had no idea what grid working was. I also thought this container was going to be a step-by-step "this is how to grid work" but learning that grid working and the HOW is unique to each of us was really empowering. Also learning that I'm grid working just by being and to trust the places that I'm drawn to, learning about land was all very insightful and again, empowering.