I believe in Oneness. I believe each and every thing on this planet is energy from The All / Source. However, I understand there are deep layers of systemic discrimination, social and economic injustice, white supremacy and privilege, ableism, gender inequality, and ageism on this planet that must be continuously seen, acknowledged, and dismantled.

I recognize that I am a cis, white, millennial, able-bodied female in this life. I am also a human being and take my human mission on this Earth very seriously. This includes advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (anti-oppression work) through personal education and the continuous practice of allyship. I am committed to the ongoing practice of anti-racism, decolonization, and unpacking my own privilege through all aspects and layers.

I take responsibility in all of the above with steadfast trust that through deeply working through the above, we will return to Unity Consciousness.

As a spiritual business owner, I take spiritual bypassing seriously and work to actively combat it. I embrace feedback and hold myself accountable for responding in a mindful and heart-ful way. I strive to create and hold safe and inclusive space for all human beings.

What I’ve committed to thus far:

  • SHRM Diversity & Inclusion Credential – Dec 2019

  • Webinars created by Rachel Ricketts: Spiritual Activism 101, Spiritual Activism 102 for White/White Passing Folx, and Radical Hope

  • Ongoing education through books and articles written by people within the BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ communities

  • Quarterly monetary donations to organizations and movements dedicated to anti-racism, decolonization, and inclusivity.

On the docket:

  • Sharing Privilege course by Robin Lacambra

I recognize that the above is just a start of this ongoing practice.